Naperville Aggravated Assault Lawyer

DuPage County Attorney for Aggravated Assault and Other Violent Crimes
Being charged with simple assault is bad enough. In its misdemeanor form, assault can carry up to a year in jail. Felony assault is another matter entirely. It is charged when an assault involves certain aggravating factors that make the offense more serious. Depending on the circumstances, aggravated assault can carry many years in prison. While simple assault is not classified as a violent crime, aggravated assault is. If convicted of aggravated assault, you will likely be labeled a violent felon. Having that status can close many doors that otherwise would have been open to you. You will likely struggle to find desirable employment and adequate housing. If you are facing felony assault charges, it is crucial to secure excellent legal representation and fight back.
Appelman Law LLC is highly experienced in defending people accused of aggravated assault, weapons charges, and other violent crimes. Our skilled team will do all we can to put forth the best defense possible on your behalf. We will take the time to discern what course of action is in your personal best interest so that we can resolve your charge as painlessly as possible. In some cases, we are able to have felony assault charges reduced to misdemeanors through plea bargaining. In others, we may fight for acquittal at trial. We will do all we can to help you.
When is Assault a Felony?
Legally, assault means causing a person to reasonably apprehend an imminent physical contact that is harmful or offensive. You do not need to actually make contact with the victim to face assault charges. There are three general reasons an assault may be considered aggravated and prosecuted as a felony:
- Location - Assaults that take place in certain locations, such as churches, public property, sports venues, or a public way, are considered aggravated.
- Victim's protected status - Assaulting a protected person is typically charged as a felony. Protected persons include the elderly, police officers, disabled persons, transit employees, referees, and school staff on school grounds. In some cases, only a Class A misdemeanor is charged.
- Use of a weapon or certain equipment - If a deadly weapon was used in an assault, it is likely to be prosecuted as a felony. A vehicle is considered a deadly weapon. Wearing clothing designed to conceal your identity also falls into this category.
It is often possible for a lawyer to work with the prosecutor in order to have felony charges reduced to a misdemeanor. Reduction to misdemeanor charges is also possible if an attorney is able to defeat the aggravating factor. For example, if you are accused of aggravated assault based on the status of the victim as a person over 60 years of age, but can show that you reasonably believed that the victim was far younger than that, your charge is likely to be reduced to a misdemeanor.
In some aggravated assault cases, going to trial becomes necessary. The potential sentences can be extreme in cases where the charge cannot be reduced, leading many defendants to exercise their right to a trial. Pursuing acquittal may be the best course of action for some. We will discuss all of your options and their possible outcomes so that you can make an informed decision. Our attorneys will aggressively advocate for you in and out of the courtroom in our efforts to achieve the best possible outcome.
Contact a Naperville Aggravated Assault Attorney
Appelman Law LLC is deeply committed to serving our clients best interests. Having more than 15 years of legal experience, Attorney Brett Appelman and our well-versed criminal defense team are committed to providing the best possible legal defense to every client. Available 24/7, contact our office at 630-717-7801 to receive a complimentary consultation.